The Witcher dizisinin albümü Spotify'da yayınlandı

Furkan Güler 24.01.2020 - 16:50
Albümde yer alan şarkılar Witcher'ın oyunlarında dinlediğimiz şarkılara da benziyor.

Netflix'in en çok takip edilen serilerinden bir tanesi haline gelen The Witcher dizisinin albümü Spotify'da yayınlandı. 55 adet şarkı listesiyle 3 saati geçen dinleme sahip süresine sahip albüm, Witcher'ın oyunlarına da benziyor.

The Witcher dizisinin albümü Spotify'da yayınlandı

Oyunlarda olduğu gibi benzer enstrümanlara sahip olan albümdeki şarkılar şu şekilde,

1. Geralt of Rivia – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Joey Batey
2. Toss a Coin to Your Witcher
3. Happy Childhoods Make for Dull Company – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Rodion Belousov
4. The Time of Axe and Sword Is Now – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova, Declan de Barra & Lindsay Deutsch
5. They’re Alive – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova, Lindsay Deutsch & Burak Besir
6. Tomorrow I’ll Leave Blaviken for Good
7. Her Sweet Kiss – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Joey Batey
8. It’s an Ultimatum
9. Round of Applause – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Rodion Belousov
10. Marilka That’s My Name
11. I’m Helping the Idiot – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Arngeir Hauksson
12. The Knight Who Was Taught to Save Dragons – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Rodion Belousov
13. Ragamuffin
14. The Last Rose of Cintra – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Declan de Barra
15. Late Wee Pups Don’t Get to Bark – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Lindsay Deutsch
16. You Will Rule This Land Someday
17. The Fishmonger’s Daughter – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Joey Batey
18. Blaviken Inn – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Lindsay Deutsch
19. Man in Black
20. The Great Cleansing – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Lindsay Deutsch
21. The Law of Surprise
22. Battle of Marnadal
23. Pretty Ballads Hide Bastard Truths – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Rodion Belousov
24. Giltine the Artist
25. Everytime You Leave
26. Rewriting History (Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Rodion Belousov
27. The End’s Beginning – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Declan de Barra
28. Gold Dragons Are the Rarest – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Rodion Belousov
29. Bonfire – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Lindsay Deutsch
30. Children Are Our Favorite
31. Do You Actually Have What It Takes
32. Point Me to Temeria
33. Djinni Djinn Djinn
34. Here’s Your Destiny
35. Two Vows Here Tonight
36. Bread, Breasts and Beer – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Lindsay Deutsch
37. Would You Honor Me with a Dance
38. Four Marks – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Rodion Belousov
39. The Pensive Dragon Inn – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Lindsay Deutsch
40. A Gift for the Princess
41. You’re in Brokilon Forest
42. Today Isn’t Your Day Is It
43. Lovely Rendez-vous à la Montagne
44. Blame Destiny
45. The White Flame Has Brought Us Together
46. He’s One of the Clean Ones – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Lindsay Deutsch
47. You Lost Your Chance to Be Beautiful
48. Yennefer of Vengerberg
49. Shouldn’t You Know When Someone Is Pretending – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Lindsay Deutsch
50. You’ll Have to Fight It Until Dawn
51. I’m the One with the Wishes
52. Chaos Is All Around Us
53. The Curse of the Black Sun
54. Battle of Sodden
55. The Song of the White Wolf – Giona Ostinelli, Sonya Belousova & Declan de Barra

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MK Okuru 3.03.2025 22:15
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MK Okuru
MK Okuru 26.01.2020 11:01
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The Witcher dizisinin albümü Spotify'da yayınlandı
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